Thursday, January 31, 2013

Haiku by Bruce Louis Dodson

Lucid Moment

One lucid moment - understanding
Washed away
By waves of thought.

Bruce Louis Dodson writes fiction and poetry in Seattle, Washington.
His 2012 publications have appeared in:
The Applicant
Contemporary Literature Review: India
Foliate Oak
Blue Collar Review
3rd Wednesday
Crucible Vol. 47 [First Place Fiction]
Sleeping Cat Books – Trip of a Lifetime Anthology
WritersType – [First Runner Up – Chapter 1 of Lost in Seattle]

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Haiku by Banoo Zan

Your arms disarm me:
I won’t sign a peace treaty
that ends wars of love.

Bänoo Zan landed in Canada in 2010. In her country of origin, Iran, she used to teach English Literature at universities. Among the courses she conducted were Poetry, Novel, Drama, History of English Literature, Literary Criticism and Literary Translation. She has published more than 80 poems, translations, biographies, and articles. Her poetry has appeared in magazines and anthologies in Iran, Canada, U.K., U. S., Israel, etc. Her book, Song of Phoenix: Life and Works of Sylvia Plath, was reprinted in 2010. She hosts Queen Gallery Poetry Night, on the last Tuesday of every month, in Toronto. She recently joined the TOPS (The Ontario Poetry Society) Executive as Member-at-Large. She believes that her politics is her poetry.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Haiku by Mark Hudson

the wrath of the wreath
spirits blowing in the wind
shaking off the snow

wind blows like crazy
I have cabin fever bad
I'm warm, but I'm bored.

Snow comes on Christmas
walking in winter underpants
in a wonderland

A girl rides her bike,
in the frosty winter snow,
blows snot from her nose

Mark Hudson is a published poet. He has published haiku in New Mexico and Utah. He recently came in second place
in a Fort Worth haiku contest.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Haiku by Martin Willitts, Jr.

A snowflake
between two open hands,
a prayer in free-fall.

Cascading lights
ignites a river —
thrill-seeking moths dive in its sweat.

Haiku sleeps in —
rosy- purple Bush clover
almost missing spring.

Silence is a frog
forgetting harmony
on closing night.

Martin Willitts Jr retired as a Senior Librarian and is living in Syracuse, New York. He is currently a volunteer literacy tutor. He is a visual artist of Victorian and Chinese paper cutouts. He was nominated for 5 Pushcart and 3 Best Of The Net awards. He has three full length books "The Secret Language of the Universe" (March Street Press, 2006), and “The Hummingbird” (March Street Press, 2009), and “The Heart Knows, Simply, What It Needs: Poems based on Emily Dickinson, her life and poetry” (Aldrich Press, 2012). His forthcoming poetry books include Waiting For The Day To Open Its Wings” (UNBOUND Content, 2013), Art Is the Impression of an Artist” (Edgar and Lenore's Publishing House, 2013), “City Of Tents”  (Crisis Chronicles Press, 2013), "A Is for Aorta" (Seven Circles  Press, e-book, 2013), and "Swimming In the Ladle of Stars" (Kattywompus Press, 2013). 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Haiku by Susan Dale

Body sacrificed
Mind a’ tremble
In a service of the heart


Without a fear of vertigo
Down the dizzy path of infatuation
I slide


The volcanic heat
Of being
Imbued with you


Your letter arrived
A heady fragrance of words
Clinging to the pages


Irrevocably forever
Smoky hot

Susan’s poems and fiction are on Eastown Fiction, Ken *Again, Hackwriters, Yesteryear Fiction, Feathered Flounder, and Hurricane Press. In 2007, she won the grand prize for poetry from Oneswan.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Haiku by Tom Gribble

Study 4

The lake

A looking glass,

Trees take off their coats

Study 13

Murky water

Buffalo christened

A rice paddy emperor

Study 16

The rain’s shyness

Its pointillism graffiti…

Tattoo’s impermanence 

Study 17

I dream I’m awake

Written on my eyes

The obituary of night

Study 54

A leopard tattoo

On her neck the cat

Looks comfortable
Tom Gribble is a poet, publisher and teacher. His work has appeared in Chattahoocee Review, Puerto Del Sol, Hawai’i Review, and others. Tom was awarded a fellowship from the Artist Trust/Washington State Arts Commission and the Associated Writing Programs Intro to Journals for poetry award. 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Haiku by Andrew Periale

Revolution fails:
Men are pigs, and vice versa --
The poor remain poor.

Honeybees unnerve them
Push the bachelors’ buttons
Their twinned destinies

Poets meet monthly
read through the long winter night
roosters proud at dawn

Ten blind worms wriggle
Making and unmaking soil
The gardener's fingers

Andrew Periale is a poet, playwright, puppeteer and polyglot. He is the founding editor of Puppetry International magazine and the former poet laureate of Rochester, NH. A member of City Hall Poets, his poetry appears in Omphalos, Yellow Medicine Review, Chimaera, Red Fez, Burnt Bridge, Light Quarterly, and others, and in anthologies The Other Side of Sorrow and the 2008 and 2010 Poets’ Guide to New Hampshire. A new collection of his poems will come out in spring 2013 from Oyster River Press. He is the director of the Emmy-nominated Perry Alley Theatre and lives in the woods with a slender wife and two fat cats.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Haiku by Martin Cohen

Dance Haiku

Together we danced
Caught up in the pulsing beat
Glad I brought earplugs

I ask you to dance
Notice your hesitation
Been turned down before

I ask you to dance
Notice your hesitation
At last you say yes

I ask you to dance
Immediately, a yes
And away we go

Flowing together
The music and you and I
What could be better

We both like this dance
Our styles are so different
Must adjust to you

Teachers so certain
The way they teach is the best
No "have to" in dance

In line at mixer
We get closer and closer
Darn - missed you by one

A step I try works
It feels so good to tell you
"First time I've tried that"

A step I try fails
I say "Always leader’s fault"
You smile, I relax

"I don't know tango"
"Just try: One, two, tango close"
By song's end, you know

My two rules of dance:
No one gets hurt, all have fun
Need no other rules
The floor is crowded
Hard to avoid collisions
Always say "Sorry"

When a step goes wrong
The problem is usually
Ambiguous lead

Class at start of dance
My reaction to step taught:
"I'll never use that"

More than ten dances
Good enough in them to say
"Would you like to dance?"

Always been a nerd
Now a nerd who loves to dance
Glorious difference

Martin Cohen is a retired computer programmer who loves dancing (favorites are West Coast Swing, Watz, Tango, and Foxtrot), writing (but not revising) poems, and solving math problems.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Haiku from Daniel Winters

Frozen noses and
hearts stamped into thick ice.
Love this time of year.

Daniel Winters, 20, from Manchester, England. Likes stupid films with sharks in.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Haiku by Denny E. Marshall

Ten thousand spaceships
Hover like colored balloons
Rainbow invasion

Do not want to see
The end of the world began
Will wait for movie

Denny E. Marshall has had poetry recently published and rejected.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Haiku by Joan McNerney

What does this cat think
strumming his tail with such ease
to fugues of Bach?

The morning mist roams
back and forth like a
voiceless wanderer.

Shy autumnal bird
did you brush against the moon
to get that pale down?

Try to catch the wind.
Count the ripples in the sea.
Become a child again.

Joan McNerney’s poetry has been included in numerous literary magazines such as Seven Circle Press, Dinner with the Muse, Camel Saloon Books on Blog, Blueline, Vine Leaves, Spectrum, and three Bright Spring Press Anthologies. She has been nominated three times for Best of the Net. Four of her books have been published by fine literary presses. She has recited her work at the National Arts Club, New York City, State University of New York, Oneonta, McNay Art Institute, San Antonio and other distinguished venues. A recent reading was sponsored by the American Academy of Poetry. Her latest title is Having Lunch with the Sky, A.P.D. Press, Albany, New York.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Haiku by Suchoon Mo

Haiku After Santoka
full moon
an old man is peeing
on his own shadow
the destiny with no destination
the road is empty
frost on the ground
I cremate dead wood
in the cast iron stove

Suchoon Mo is a Korean War veteran and a retired academic living in the semiarid part of Colorado.   His poems and music compositions appeared in a number of literary and cultural publications.  His recent poetry chap book was published by Accents Publication of Lexington, Kentucky.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Haiku by Ronny Noor

falling on palm fronds
my heartbeat
your swishing gown –
the rustle
of spring leaves
returning late
from her evening class –
children in bed
sudden thunder –
across the wooden bridge
goggled worker
drilling the road
my sore mouth
Ronny Noor’s haiku have appeared in several journals, including paper wasp, the Aurorean, and World Haiku Review. He is the author of a novel, Snake Dance in Berlin (2009), and numerous essays and stories. He lives in Brownsville, Texas.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Haiku by Denny E. Marshall

As fried to a crisp
The disappointed scientist
Thought the sun would last

Space Exploration
Wish it were a computer
Would be almost there

The trees have wind
For branches to wave goodbye
To all humans

Visitors’ genuine handshake
As long as they can remember
Each a nuclear blast

Drivers’ education
Easy to fell uncomfortable
In warp drive spaceship

Denny E. Marshall has had poetry recently published and rejected.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Haiku by David S. Pointer

medical punk band
sound checking
snarls and scars

cloned twins
dating cryo triplets
the new lab math

boilerplate robot
one ton floor jack
fixing the airship

gothic chick lit
black mascara tube
fighter jet cockpit

child soldier art
post van Gogh ear
on a necklace

David S. Pointer has new acceptances at “Stone Canoe,” “The Contributor,” and elsewhere. His new political poetry book is entitled “Sundrenched Nanosilver.” His new steam punk poetry collection is entitled “Sinister Splashplay.”

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Haiku by Ali Znaidi


                 little waves
[s]lapping the side of the boat

shadows on the wall


a night party—

worms were feasting

on a rotten beetroot



     the mulberry leaves

silkworms were weaving

        dreams on looms


the noun dream

a few bare letters

succumbing to fresh water

Ali Znaidi lives in Redeyef, Tunisia. He graduated with a BA in Anglo-American Studies in 2002. He teaches English at Tunisian public secondary schools. He writes poetry and has an interest in literature, languages, and literary translations. His work has appeared in The Camel Saloon, Otoliths, The Tower Journal, streetcake, The Rusty Nail, Yes,Poetry, Shot Glass Journal, Ink Sweat and Tears, Mad Swirl, Unlikely Stories: Episode IV, Red Fez, Carcinogenic Poetry, and other ezines. His debut poetry chapbook Experimental Ruminations was published in September 2012 by Fowlpox Press (Canada). He also writes flash fiction for the Six Sentence Social Network—