Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Haiku by Jacob Dodson

Pick-Up Haiku
you on a diet?
'cause you're not the only one
watching your figure
give some pity sex?
some say I look best wearing
nothing but a frown
hey babe, I would kill
everyone in this room to
be alone with you

Jacob Dodson is an Austin poet who wants to write prettier nature haiku. His work has appeared in Pank, The Legendary, Airplane Reading, Minglewood and Out of Print.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Haiku by April Salzano

Choose to think he can,
or choose to think he cannot.
He will prove you right.

Pac Man, Mario,
noises that reverberate.
Rock, block, flap, jump, stim.

Same sentence over
and over stuck on repeat
comfort one more time

It’s loud, I like it.
Too much is never enough
to fill my silence.

delay. Axis II deferred.
Only time will tell.

April Salzano teaches college writing in Pennsylvania and is working on her first several collections of poetry and an autobiographical novel on raising a child with Autism. Her work has appeared in Poetry Salzburg, Ascent Aspirations, The Applicant, The Mindful Word, Deadsnakes, Winemop, Daily Love, Visceral Uterus, and many others.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Haiku by Sue Neufarth Howard

The rise and descent
    of the cicadas' shrill plea
        mocks the ocean surf
Sue Neufarth Howard - Poet

Cincinnati native, published poet, visual artist, former business writer in marketing and
sales training; retired.

Graduate of Miami University, Oxford, Ohio (Speech-Radio/TV) and University
of Cincinnati Evening College (Associate in Art).

 Member, Greater Cincinnati Writers League (GCWL) and Colerain Artists.
Received Third Prize and/or Honorable Mention in several Ohio Poetry Day
Contests since 1998.  1983 Poet Laureate for Clifton Heights/Fairview - Cincinnati
Recreation Commission Neighborhood Poetry Contest.

Poems published in the Journal of Kentucky Studies - 25th Anniversary Edition;
the Mid-America Poetry Review; Nomad's Choir; The Incliner - Cincinnati Art Museum;
the Creative Voices Anthology of the Institute for Learning in Retirement, City of
Cincinnati; in several For a Better World - Poems on Peace and Justice by Greater
Cincinnati Artists anthologies; and Poetic Hours Magazine, Carlton, England.
Poetry chapbooks self published via in 2012: TreeScapes, EarthWords,
and In and Out of the Blue Zoo.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Haiku from the Editor, A.J. Huffman

Firecrackers spark
fantasies of fire and flight
that linger like smoke.

Tiny hands applaud
thunderous booming followed
by a rain of light.