Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Results for the 2014 Editor's Choice Contest are in!!!

And the Winner is . . .

Scavenger Hunt by Donna Barkman

2nd place goes to . . .

Visitation Tuesday by Denise Weuve

3rd place goes to . . .

Mathematics by Christopher Hivner

This year we had three Honorable Mentions.  They are . . .

The Traffic in Old Ladies by Mary Newell
this small rain by Alexis Rhone Fancher
Signs of the Apolcalypse by Terri Simon

To read the winning poems and to see the complete list of finalists go to Kind of a Hurricane's Editor's Choice Contest Site: 

Friday, February 27, 2015

Haiku by A.J. Huffman

frost-bite's kiss lingers
a mere shiver against morning's
virgin smile

bobsleds pepper hillsides
sparkle like silver ornaments
against snow-covered trees

snowflake wonderland
my eyes struggle to discern
individual designs

red barn smothered in white
thawing, the world appears
to be bleeding

snowball fight erupts
children scramble for ammo
snowmen lose their heads

A.J. Huffman has published eleven solo chapbooks and one joint chapbook through various small presses.  Her new poetry collection, Another Blood Jet, is not available from Eldritch Press.  She has two more poetry collections forthcoming:  A Few Bullets Short of Home, from mgv2>publishing and Degeneration, from Pink. Girl. Ink.  She is a Multiple Pushcart Prize nominee, and has published over 2100 poems in various national and international journals, including Labletter, The James Dickey Review, Bone Orchard, EgoPHobia, and Kritya.  She is also the founding editor of Kind of a Hurricane Press.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Haiku by Anne Swannell

Wind howls round the porch.
News of the world flies away
smack into a bush!

Anne Swannell's work has been seen in many literary journals, and recently in anthologies from Leaf Press, Chuffed Buff Books, and Polar Expressions.  She has three books of poetry, Drawing Circles on the Water, Mall (Rowan Books, 1991), and Shifting (Ekstasis, 2008).  She lives in Victoria, BC, where she makes mosaics, and is a scenic painter/set designer for local theater companies.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Haiku by ayaz daryl nielsen

shifting wind
   the coyote’s foreleg
peeking between
   the drawn shades
      cat and nephews
clarinet lesson -
   the tutor
   the tutes

ayaz daryl nielsen, husband, father, veteran, x-roughneck (as on oil rigs)/hospice nurse, editor of bear creek haiku (25+ years/125+ issues), homes include Lilliput Review, Jellyfish Whispers, Shemom, Shamrock, and!    online at  bear creek haiku  poetry, poems and info 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Haiku by Kelley White

cat crouching
fledgling robin
fallen cherry blossoms

old dogs startles
the scarecrow's shadow
knocking on the door

Pediatrician Kelley White worked in inner city Philadelphia and now works in rural New Hampshire.  Her poems have appeared in journals including Exquisite Corpse, Rattle and JAMA.  Her most recent books are Toxic Environment (Boston Poet Press) and Two Birds in Flame (Beech River Books).  She received a 2008 Pennsylvania Council on the Arts grant.